
As of August 25, 2016.

About Nichi Nichi-chan

Nichi Nichi-chan is the author‘s maiden voyage into the realm of blogging. A simple and aspiring blog, Kindle loves talking about anything related to anime (and basically everything Japanese).  The blog was started with the goal of improving the author’s horrid writing, on top of creating a harem reader fan-base. With that said, if you find yourself reading a post from months ago, please do read it with a grain of salt as the earlier posts doesn’t reflect my current writing style.

Every post is born from unrestrained procrastination.

Formerly Snail on a Tour, the blog’s title was changed to easily distinguish what the site is for and to give it a much more cultural theme. Nichi Nichi-chan is taken from the proverb Nichi nichi kore konichi which translates to Every day is a good day. Every day is a good day indeed for anime no matter how pissed off you are at something — is what I thought at that time. The honorific -chan was added after much deliberation and thus gave birth to Nichi-chan.

You’ll mainly find episodic posts here. It’s not that I wanted to be like Random Curiosity or anything. It’s just that I find episodic posts a good way to flex my brain’s biceps. They’re mostly commentary or analysis on what I feel like the bad and the good stuff are — plus a couple of noteworthy(?) details — within an episode. I rarely summarize what happened, and as a result, they mostly ended up as spoiler-free posts. In fact, I’m not a fan of summarizing or narrating an episode given that I have to assume the reader has already seen what I’ve seen.

I write essays and editorials too (and whatever crap I manage to conjure in this brain of mine) from time to time though that isn’t my priority as of now. I’m considering increasing my essay/editorial posts soon once I get off this lazy spell. How soon, you ask? I don’t have an idea.

Established on March 23, 2016, the blog’s first post started from a whim. Just a caveat: don’t read it unless you’re fine with bleaching your eyes.



Pardon my intrusion, m’ladies.

Sup! Kindle here. They say that the easiest way to know a fellow geek’s personality and tastes is through his/her top ten. In no particular order, here’s my obligatory 3×3:

As of July 2016.

Yes, you’ve seen that right. Xam’d is entertaining shit.

I’m an undergraduate of BS Chemistry. I’ve no intention of continuing my studies (yet) as I’m hard pressed to work in the ever-so-toxic corporate industry. English isn’t my first language, and you may find a couple of grammar lapses here in there. I’m very, very conscious of these kinds of mistakes and somehow my insecurity led me to self-study English 101 by myself. My writing sKiLLz revolve around a simple rule I formulated: if it sounds right, then it should be right. I’m not joking.

If I knew I would be starting a blog, I would’ve taken my academics seriously. Oh, well… such is the life of the young.

Pretty obvious why Nichijou is my all time favorite. (c) Zeino

I don’t have much of a background for writing, much less blogging. Writing started as a hobby; a way to kill time. I found myself submitting short story entries for a writing contest hosted by a MMORPG. I’m not sure if the judges just had low standards, or if there were only two of us who submitted an entry. Whatever the case is, I always finished as a runner-up. I was fine with it, really. It’s not about the scope of what you accomplished, but it’s how big of a leap you made that matters.

Kindle’s visual interpretation of how he looks like after work.

I love pizza. Though I haven’t eaten one for like… 6 months. I’m a casual gamer — specifically JRPGs. Suikoden II, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy Tactics, Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky are my favorites. Bloodborne almost made it to the list if not for the fact that I spent more time watching lore videos at Youtube than actually playing the game.

Anyways, that pretty much sums up who I am. I tend to be genki most of the time but that is just how my friendly side works (I’m secretly evil). I don’t have much connection to peeps in the current aniblog-o-sphere, which I think is an important aspect when establishing a blog. I’m forcing my office mates to contribute and help. I’ve yet gotten a serious answer.

Let’s get along, shall we?


  • Contributed an article/review to http://www.yattatachi.com / @yattatachi on July 2016.
  • Today’s April 19 2018, and the me from a year and a half before sure is cringy. Deleting this post is of utmost priority.


14 Replies to “About”

    1. Oh, wow. I was meaning to update this About page because I’m finding what I wrote here somewhat cringe-worthy — well, for me. Glad it made you entertained, at least!


    1. Thank you! I’ll apologize beforehand if I won’t be able to reply to this award soon (just like how late this comment is), but rest assured I’m keeping tabs on every award I get so that I can respond to all of them once time permits.

      I mean, sheesh — my plate is so full right now I think I just bit more than I can chew.


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