3-gatsu no Lion – Episode 22 (END)

Not the best ending I was looking for, but who cares? 3-gatsu was magnificent. Episode 22 was supposed to be an optimistic send-off, but for some odd reason that I'm still trying to explain, I was feeling restless instead. It isn't because of the episode itself, but rather, in the same way Rei asked why we …

3-gatsu no Lion – Episodes 19 & 20

Still remember how Shimada-san used to be a "side-character" Rei presumed as a hurdle? He's owning the show now. That's just one way you can translate the aphorism everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about, and with consistent finesse, 3-gatsu was able to convey how arduous the path Shimada-san took. This has been …